


Free Will – a Defence against Neurophysiological Determinism, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London & Boston, 1980

Reviewed in:

  1. Times Literary Supplement, January 16, 1981, Galen Strawson
  2. Philosophical Books, June, 1981, 172-174, Robert Young
  3. Novye Knege number 7, 1981, 39-43, B.N. Birjukov
  4. Philosophical Studies (Ireland) 28, 1981, 397-399, D.E.B. Pollard
  5. Teaching Philosophy, July 1982, 250-251, James Gould
  6. Heythrop Journal, 23, April 1982, 212-214, Peter Byrne
  7. Zygon, 17, September 1982, 303-306, William H. Austin
  8. Australian Journal of Philosophy, 60, December 1982, 374-376, Paul Simpson
  9. International Studies in Philosophy, 15, 1983, 122-124, Sara Shute
  10. Review of Metaphysics, 36, June 1983, 948-950, Robert H. Kane
  11. Philosophical Review, 92, October 1983, 627-630, Stephen Darwell
  12. Dialogue, vol.XXII, No.3, September 1983, 547-550, C.G. Prado
  13. Philosophy of Social Sciences, 14, December 1984, 585-586, Anthony Flew
  14. Extensively discussed in:
    Jennifer Trusted, Free Will and Responsibility, Oxford University Press, OPUS series, 1984
  15. Robert Larmer, 'Free Will, Hegemony and Neurophysiological Indeterminism', Philosophia, Volume 16, No.2, August 1986, 177-188

El libre albedrío, Editorial Herder, Barcelona, 1985

Selected Articles

'Le mécanisme de la perception chez Aristote: étude de quelques problèmes.' Dialogue, décembre 1980, 576-589. Available here.

'The Luminousness of the Quintessence.' Phoenix XXXVI (1982) 104-124

'Does Primacy Confer Universality? – logic and theology in Aristotle.' Apeiron XXII (1989) 101-126

'Standing Up Falling Down – Aristotle and the history of grammar.' Classical Views XXXIII (1989) 315-332

'Aristotle's horror vacui.Canadian Journal of Philosophy XX (1990) 149-166

''Aristoxenus and the Ethnoethical Modes' in Harmonia Mundi , eds Robert W. Wallace and Bonnie MacLachlan,  volume 5 of the Biblioteca di Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura ClassicaEdizioni dell'Ateneo, Rome 1991, 54-68

'The Social Construction of Homosexuality.' (review article on David Halperin's One Hundred Years of HomosexualityPhoenix XLVI (1992) 54-61 available here

‘Sex and Mysticism in Plato.’ SAGP Newsletter, 12, 1994. Available here.

'Aristotle on Brutishness.' Dialogue Vol. XLII, No. 4, Fall 2003, 673-694

''In search of Hypatia / À la recherche d'Hypatie' being the Canadian Philosophical Association Presidential Address for 2004 available here

'Fuming Accidie: the sin of Dante's gurglers.' in James Miller, ed., Dante & the Unorthodox – the aesthetics of transgression, Waterloo, WLU Press, 2005, 151-169

'Sullenness & Technopoly.' in Burkhardt Krause & Ulrich Scheck, eds., Emotions and Cultural Change / Gefüle und kulturelle Wandel, Tübingen, Stauffenburg, 2006, 11-20

'What about Antarctica?' laudatio for Thomas M. Robinson in Greek Philosophy in the New Millennium, ed. Livio Rossetti, Sankt Augustin, Academia Verlag, 2007, 27-30

'The St Michael Report: Wrong Question, Wrong Answer.' in Darren Marks & Jacqueline Marr, eds., Faith Seeking Understanding, Toronto, Anglican Church of Canada, 2007. Linked here.

'Making the Case: the blessing of same sex unions in the Anglican Church of Canada.' published online by the Anglican Church of Canada. Linked here.

'Aristotle on the Unity of Consciousness.' in The Achilles of Rationalist Psychology, ed. Tom Lennon & Rob Stainton, Springer Verlag, 2008, 43-58

'Splitting the Semantic Atom: Aristotle on compound nouns.' Apeiron Vol. XLII, No. 2, June 2009, 153-166

'The Hydraulics of the Brain: Interpreting a puzzling text in the Hippocratic treatise on glands.' forthcoming in Hermes

‘Intelligible Matter in Aristotle’, SAGP Newsletter 2009/10.4, 15-20; available here.

'L'amour chez les Stoïciens.' in Mélanges Senay, ed. André Daviault, Presses de l'UQTR, 2011, 163-176

‘Aristotle’s Rhetorodicy’, SAGP Newsletter, 2011/12.2, 48-54; available here.

Homeopoesis: Aristotle on Nutrition and Growth’, SAGP Newsletter, Central 2012, 26-31; available here.

‘Aristotle on the Truth of Things’, SAGP Newsletter, 2012/13.1, 39-44; available here.

‘Aristotle on Body Sense’, SAGP Newsletter, 2013/14.1, 36-41

‘Aristotle and Code’, SAGP Newsletter, 2013/14.3, 17-21

‘Aristotle and the Physiology of Sense-Organs’, SAGP Newsletter, 2014/15.1, 54-58

‘Saving Aristotle’s Categories’, SAGP Newsletter, 2014/15.3, 21-27

‘Aristotle’s Definition of Time: a modest proposal’, SAGP Newsletter, 2016/17.3, 13-19

‘La cama de Platón: Esencia y arquetipo en la Teoría de las Formas’, Nuevo Itinerario, Revista de Filosofía, 2019.4, 283-303; available here.

‘On Hobbes’ Aristotelity’, Science & Esprit, 72/1-2 (2020) 185-195.

'La sorpresiva explicación de Aristóteles sobre la justicia natural’, Revista Circe de clásicos y modernos, 25.2 (2021) 105-122; available here.

‘The Gods of the Garden’, in Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy: in Honor of Professor Anthony Preus, ed. D.M Spitzer, Routledge, 2023, 260-273.


© John Thorp 2014